Blog 4: My future work (I hope so)

Hello everyone, I hope you are well, because in today's post I will talk to you about my future work.

It is not something that at the moment is certain, I think with the time this situation will change, but I would like to orient myself to something that has to do with the education of children or if I adapt myself to the public administration I would like to develop myself in some institution that promotes integral public policies for them. In any case, educating them and being present in their development seems more exciting to me.

Even though perhaps the progress of this work will take place behind closed doors, without constantly moving from one place to another, I would totally prefer the opposite, to get to know different environments or people, however I feel that I can perform very well in both and  make a good workspace. 

I am currently studying public administration and as I said before, from this base I could get to relate to providing a good service for children, anyway I would like to study something more than what I am doing at the moment, especially related to nursery education. Well, it all depends on the time. 

Anyway, knowing me, this can change over the years, I usually move in different aspects about my future, so probably in a couple of years I will read this blog again and see if what I wrote has been done or I took a totally different way.


Regards <3


  1. Hi Alexandra! I would also like to do something related to education, I think that is one of the most important things in a society. I hope yo can accomplish your wishes!

  2. Hi! I'm interested in children-related issues too! I hope you can meet this goal or any other that you can think of along the way.

  3. Hi Alexandra! It's a good and beautiful job! <3

  4. I hope that in time, you can accomplish what you want... to have a job like the one you describe, without the need to be locked up... or on the contrary, you can work on what you are passionate about at that moment

  5. Hey, i hadn't really considered it, but i think i'd like to work in something related with childrens too. Nice post!

  6. it is always important to know the reality with which we work and if we work in such a closed place it can complicate to know that reality


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